



"There exists in you, indefinitely developable, an engine of power, dynamically creative, capable of impressing and molding your material world according as you give out from your inner being in creative force."

Betty White and Stewart Edward White, Across The Unknown, 1937

  We have earlier explored Divine Creation, which occurs when the One Quintessence, manifesting ceaselessly throughout the supersensible and terrestrial realms, manifests for specific purposes.

  The constantly radiating Transcendent Power is instantiated in objects, persons, events, and ideas, relative to the purpose of the propagating force. A person, idea, or object must provide a stress point for the Higher Force to be embodied in a particular actuality. Manifestation of the undifferentiated All-Consciousness is possible only by the interposition of some form of resistance: purpose or intent.

   We have also examined the metaphysical elements of all creation, divine and human:

  1. Contacting and Receiving Inspiration from the Transcendent Force: Developing the capability of creative imagination: allowing the flow-through of ideas and archetypes

  2. Forming an Intention: Intelligence intentionally selecting a Form, Pattern, or Purpose for creating a specific entity (person, object, condition, or event)

  3. Using Creative Imagination: Forming a blueprint or plan for creating the entity selected for manifestation

  4. Acting to Produce: Tangible or intangible operations through which the selected entity is brought into existence relative to the original intention as structured by the blueprint

  5. Manifesting in the Supersensible or Terrestrial Domain: Created entities (tangible or intangible) sustained and used to benefit humankind

"The gnostic being will take up the world of Life and Matter, but he will turn and adapt it to his own truth and purpose of existence; he will mould life itself into his own spiritual image, and this he will be able to do because he has the secret of a spiritual creation and is in communion and oneness with the Creator within him. This will be first effective in the shaping of his own inner and outer individual existence, but the same power and principle will operate in any common gnostic life; the relations of gnostic being with gnostic being will be the expression of their one gnostic self and supernature shaping into a significant power and form of itself the whole common existence."

Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1940

Spiritual Creation

  In this essay we are exploring spiritual creation, primarily in the terrestrial realm. All creation is ultimately divine creation in the sense that "in the One Quintessence we live and move and have our being."

  But our emphasis in this essay is in understanding how humans can contact and work with spiritual forces and Higher Beings to create improved conditions for human life.

  We'll use as an illustration of spiritual creation the bringing into manifestation of the cooperative commonwealth community archetype as presented in the author's book, The New Commonwealth.

  The elemental metaphysical principles have been used in creating the Archetype of the New Commonwealh:
  1. Contacting and receiving inspiration from the Transcendent Force: receiving the new FORM COMMONWEALTH: My receiving the inspiration for the FORM and the novella
  1. Forming an intention: Deciding to write a book explicating the FORM

  2. Using creative imagination: Writing the novella

  3. Acting to produce: Deciding to publish the novella through Dandelion Books

  4. Manifesting in the supersensible or terrestrial domain: publishing the novella through Dandelion Books and announcing the novella on our Website
  The novella includes a pattern for contacting prospective community members and screening and training applicants.

"Only by collecting a group of your dearest, going forth with your heart among them, cementing, as it were, a collective entity, and continually enlarging it, putting forth the substance among you, can you start toward comprehension of the Universal Consciousness."

Betty White and Stewart Edward White, Across The Unknown, 1937

The Metaphysical Principles of Spiritual Creation

  1. Select a desired goal: We select a desired goal by attaining an understanding of our lacks and an effective depth of desire to fill them.

    "A mere need does not create a vacuum that sucks in; it doesn't set the same force in action... A lack looks like a hole, a sort of physical thing that you fill up with a rush, once you create it by recognition. A need is a kind of mentally desirable thing-not a big elemental thing. The creation by visualization or recognition of spiritual lacks is the depth we talked of. . .

    The recognition of these lacks brings an understanding desire for wholeness. From this enlightened desire comes our individual impetus." 1

  2. Create your personal impetus or force to achieve this outcome:
"The force we bring into the world, let us call it inspirational force for the sake of giving it a name, comes from a combination of conditions created by the person himself. We can only take advantage of that combination. Once a person of his own force establishes it, we can act on it. The initial step is your work. This force is, roughly speaking, emanations from you which meet complementary forces from this side. We utilize what you unconsciously possess." 2
  1. Create an archetype of the desired outcome:

    "A true philosopher cannot help patterning himself on those with whom he holds reverential dialectical interchange. And if he is called upon to fashion the archetype of a true Commonwealth he will construct it of those elements which he perceives in the higher realm of Forms: goodness, justice, and every civil virtue. To be of the highest quality, a State must be designed by a philosophical artist who is inspired to structure it according to the heavenly archetype." 3

    "Your gauge of strength is your concentration on your spark of enlightenment. Fan it into a flame. That is what you work with. You cannot let that die, or smolder. Keep fanning it; that spark is your spiritual energy. Watch your foredetermination, particularized foredetermination, not just hazy. Work over it carefully as you would over an architect's blue print. That is vitalized thinking, a creative thinking. There's substance to it. Make a start of materializing to yourself, analyzing, grasping, taking hold of materials at hand, and fashioning something out of them. Thought is the material, but not speculative thought, positive building. It seems to be all grasp, taking hold of the few things you've got, and grasping them and holding onto them, and by and bye, you've shaped something." 4

  2. Make contact with spiritual energy with whose assistance you will achieve the desired outcome: "stimulate the spirit to respond with a great and rising wonder similar to that inspired by the overwhelming beauties of nature." 5

"Your main effort must go into union with the supreme force or intelligence, not by just calling it down and isolating yourself in it, but by calling for it and uniting with it in such a manner as to transmute it into an available earth force." 6
  1. We create spiritually by working within the terrestrial realm. We work to gain understanding of this realm: its lack and points of resistance and destruction. As we are working within the terrestrial realm, we must recognize that there are negative forces against which we must "insulate" ourselves.
"I must keep my energy lifted up, insulated. The minute it rests without insulation it gets into the vortex. . . You see, when I get within the power of that zone its action begins on me in spite of myself. It is like getting into quicksand; that acts on you, and you can't help it. That's a zone of action of a certain kind. It takes great, almost superhuman, spirituality to go into that lower form of life and hold your own. You can do it, if you have the right insulation.

"This, then, is the secret of maintaining our integrity: we must meet the problems of our world and the people of our world, not in their zone of action, but in ours. We must not go to them; we must get them to come to us."
    "It is the antithesis of spiritual. It is the impetus to nullify, to deaden your life-containing powers. It is analogous to the way a certain action takes place and a tree is petrified; or if you stay out in the cold, you freeze. Certain action takes place, a certain impetus is unchecked, and you are reduced to a helpless state and can't do anything about it. It has a great drawing power toward its own. When you get in the vortex it begins to work on you unless you have a strong insulation.

    "It is simply that when we step out to meet the world, after having more or less development in solitude through spiritual contact, connection with the greater forces, we must be able to protect ourselves. Otherwise we would soon fall back into the old turmoil. We have laid off our old turtle shell of indifference, of antagonism, of clannishness, and all the other world protections: we must in compensation command this other safeguard or we shall be torn to pieces." 7
  1. Utilize the spiritual energy assembled and harmonized to achieve the desired goal.

  One of the major areas of teaching within the Perennial Tradition is advanced instruction in how to understand, contact, accumulate, and utilize spiritual energy in self-transformation and in transforming the world.

  The Perennial Tradition instructs in the esoteric application of higher configurations of energy possessing greater harmony, understanding, or power to improve and transmute lower energy fields--either locally or at a distance. Perennialist teachers use their advanced, more harmonized energy fields to assist in the development and transformation of the general populace and initiates.

  We use spiritual energy to dissolve stubborn material, makng a saturated solution 8  of matter in spirit, then re-form the material as a sculptor kneads his clay, until it becomes through molding and re-molding more and more capable of divulging the Spirit. The absorbing power of the spirit transmutes. That is spiritual creation: the power to dissolve negative material and put it together again in a more positive form, first in Archetypal Form and then in terrestrial and supersensible substance.

"I'm making it out of myself somehow. It feels like hard physical work that is done by sweat and toil and energy. It's like breaking down cells in your body, pouring them out of you, making a deposit of concrete construction. Then you rest and accumulate more force, and then you make another projection and deposit of work."

Betty White, The Betty Book, 1937

Carrying Out the Process of Spiritual Creation
  1. Constantly associating ourselves with the aristocracy of the spirit wherever we can recognize it
    "I should say it was the perfect ordering of all elements, an exquisite joy of participating in harmony. My own little joy of life is welded to that of every other harmonized being. I've forgotten my individual part. I'm in a great chorus." 9 
  2. Attaining an understanding of a focal point of negativity, non-receptivity, defilement, or destruction that needs to be transmuted. We do not waste time by railing against the negativity; recognizing that the negative element has abandoned its relationship with the ultimate source of life and is dying of decomposition.
"Look at an individual's personality . . . to see his inner potency and possibility compared to his surface representation. It makes it possible to ignore the misrepresenting agents of the man,--his habits, indulgences, dormancies--and insist on dealing with his possibilities: to regard, not what he gets snarled up trying to do; but what he has inside him that he wants to be." 10 

  1. Explicating the focal point of negativity in explicit, easily understood terms.

  2. Elucidating an Archetypal Form that will result from transmuting the negative elements into a positive, life-giving expression of Spirit.

  3. Keeping open a channel through which inspiration will come for the necessary individual acts of transmutation.

  4. Retaining complete confidence in the power house of the Spirit, of which you are the distributor, maintaining constant force for specific acts of transmutation.

  5. Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the Divine for His completely unexpected, awe-inspiring bestowals of beneficence.
"Do not forget how you do it: through strength of desire to serve, through vigorous encircling action, through overflowing faith, through vision of reality, through union with spiritual law and purpose, through understanding of temptation and resistance, through magnifying to each his own soul. Through all these you find your way to the comprehension of the divine life." 11 

"It is necessary, in the first place, to turn our attention constantly and continuously to the higher ideal which we wish to realise; to the highest ideal we can form of truth, goodness, and beauty. In proportion as we can do this we shall find truth, goodness, and beauty becoming realised in our nature. The practical outcome of an intelligent realisation of the existence of our higher divine Self, is the opening up, as it were, of a channel of communication through which the higher can flow into, and manifest in, the lower. There is an actual structural alteration in the physical body and nerve centres. Every thought conditions a definite physiological change. We shut out the higher possibilities by thought alone, by thinking ourselves separate. Just in proportion as we think of ourselves as divine, in proportion as we realise that the divine is within us, shall we come to a conscious realisation of our divine nature and powers. Nor is there any other path by which this may be accomplished."

William Kingsland, Scientific Idealism, 1909


1 Betty White, The Betty Book, 1937

2 Ibid.

3 Plato, The Commonwealth, Book 7

4 Betty White, Op. Cit.

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 A saturated solution is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved. In other words, it is the maximum concentration of a solution. Any solute added to the solvent after the solution reaches its saturation point will not dissolve and will remain as a precipitate. The saturation point is dependent upon the type of solvent, as well as any variable that influences how substances dissolve, including temperature and pressure.

9 Betty White, Op. Cit.

10 Ibid.

11 Ibid.