Contemplation of the Statement
By Hamadani

  There is a superior kind of knowledge that derives from responding appropriately to a superior kind of experience. The Superior Experience and Knowledge are not matters of grace (derived from divine favor), but occur spontaneously and are made available to persons in "exact accordance" to our "worth, capacity, and earning" of these elements.

  Different kinds of creatures respond variously to experience, "consuming" the experience or knowledge according to their nature.

   Our purpose in life is to achieve Superior Knowledge by responding appropriately to Superior Experience, by "understanding the Origin."

   We achieve our purpose of achieving Superior Knowledge by following those who have already successfully made the Journey and thus know the Way.

   This Divine Pattern is just because Superior Knowledge cannot be witheld from the person who deserves it and at the same time cannot be given to the person who does not deserve it.

   Superior Experience and Superior Knowledge are the only "substances" that possess a "discriminating faculty" of their own, accruing to a kind of "inherent justice."