Silver, Gold and JFK the Last American Hero

By Darryl R Schoon, Mar 31, 2008,

John F. Kennedy was not to live out his first term as President. Three years into his presidency, JFK was felled by an assassin's bullet in Dallas, Texas . While there is much controversy surrounding his death, it is clear that whatever the theory, it was no accident.

The assassination of a standing president is not undertaken lightly. The public killing of a highly popular political figure such as JFK is decided upon and agreed to only when sufficient amounts of money or power are at stake.

Previous theories have revolved around issues of power. Dissident and/or dissatisfied rogue CIA agents and/or right-wing Washington DC power brokers and/or the mafia conspiring separately or together in a mutual hatred for the upstart Kennedy have been the favored theories. Another, simpler theory, however, should also be considered--money.

On June 4, 1963 , Executive Order 1110 was signed by President Kennedy directing the US Treasury to issue a new US currency. This new US currency was to be backed by a precious metal--silver, unlike the credit-backed money issued by the Federal Reserve since 1913.


AMENDMENT OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO, 10289 AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN FUNCTIONS AFFECTING THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows: (Y)

SECTIOIN 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended is hereby further amended- (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 therefore the following subparagraph (j): n" (j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933 as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b), to issue silver certificates against silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption (X) of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars (Z) and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption, and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof. SECTION 2. The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suite or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

John F. Kennedy, The White House. June 4, 1963

By the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy's signing of Executive Order 1110 returned the power to issue currency back to the US Treasury thereby ending the fifty year monopoly of private bankers and the Federal Reserve Bank over US currency. Six months later, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed.